About the Organization
Single Parent Advocate, a local 501(c) 3 non-profit organization providing resource connections, growth-based training, and support for single-parent families, based in Dallas Texas, and the surrounding areas. Additionally, Single Parent Advocate corresponds with families from all over the United States and consults non-profits, churches, and businesses on how to build a program for success in serving and engaging single parents within their respective organizations.
1 in 4 children in the US is growing up in a single-parent home. Single mothers and fathers have a much higher likelihood of living in poverty, as they face incredible work/life balance issues. Single Parent Families have unique needs and issues constantly affecting their inability to overcome ruin. The emotional and financial toll on most of these families is actually helping to create an even younger population of single parents who are just children themselves.
Single Parent Advocate is committed to breaking this cycle and helping build resource connections for families that allow them to become more productive, more resourceful, and more informed on how to be the best parent they can be for their children.
Single Parent Advocate and it’s growing community has already provided auto repair, school supplies, food, toys, beds, family portraits, computer assistance, and hope to families that are in the gap now, and the organization vows to continue making a profound difference in the lives of single parents and their families in the years to come.