Why Nutrition
Nutrition is the supply of necessary nutrients from food and water that our bodies require to stay alive. The M5M Foundation believes that proper nutrition enables living and thriving. These “nutrients” are found in fruits, vegetables, meats, minerals, grains and oils. Unfortunately, there are many communities around the world that do not have access to a variety of these nutrient sources, leaving millions to fall under the category of “malnourished.” Malnourishment simply refers to the state of being undernourished or over nourished to the point where the body is not receiving or retaining the essential nutrients to sustain health.

Thank you for your interest in the M5M Foundation (M5M). We are constantly looking to expand our outreach to more children in need. Please submit a completed application and we will review it and respond as quickly as possible. We seek applications from organizations with proven ability to distribute essential nutrition to children in need.